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UNESCO promotes climate change education in Africa


Education Sector, 20.03.2013

- Mauritius

How can climate change education support education systems in Africa so they can respond to the challenges posed by climate change?

At a three-day UNESCO Regional Expert Meeting on Climate Change Education for Sustainable Development in Africa, some 100 experts will develop recommendations to promote education as an important means to enhance adaptation to climate change in the context of sustainable development in African countries.

Many African countries are already confronted with the threat of rapidly accelerating desertification, floods and other hazards but they do not have the means to adapt to, or mitigate, climate change. If they are to move further along the path to sustainable development and achieve national goals, they will need to strengthen these capacities.

The recommendations will serve as a contribution to the upcoming 18th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in Qatar as well as the UNESCO World Conference Education for Sustainable Development scheduled in 2014 in Japan.

Дата: 20.03.2013 (Прочтено: 1387)
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