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Dear Ambassadors of Light!!!

Cosmic Astrology
 New Earth Hologram, 5D news, Transformation of the planet, Cosmic Astrology

Dear Ambassadors of Light!

The Crystal Stargate is open to the Great Central Sun this week as we head into the Libra Equinox on Monday/Tuesday September 22nd/23rd - causing a huge realignment in the grids as Gaia is harvesting her crystalline Light Body. It is an intense period of dissolution in the planetary grids of the corrupted patriarchal system of oppressive enslavement and shadow interference.

The decomposition and collapse of old paradigm systems and programs must occur prior to attainment of full awareness. Many feel frustrated that their intuitive channel to Higher Self is blocked or interfered with. Our Soul and Spirit Team are sending us signals, but we're unable to receive the message. Please remember that the 3rd Eye and Crown Chakras operate as antenna receivers in 6th and 7th dimensional levels of perception. In the past millennium we've only been able to access the 3 dimensions of the physical world due to grid matrix lockdown.

During the past 50 years human awareness expanded with Gaia's ascension into 5th dimensional perception of unity consciousness. With focused intent and divine will, we are in a powerful phase of human acceleration that enables our energy body to expand into realms never reached before.

The 'weighing scales' of the Libra Equinox restores balance within and without. It is the sign of relationships and harmony. The Sun in Libra motivates us to build bridges and create a balanced exchange with others. As the Equinox lines up with the Galactic Vortex, it creates a stargate opening to the Great Central Sun's radiant Light Codes. We are being influenced by higher and higher frequencies of sentient intelligence...which is awakening our left-right brain capacity to more expanded knowledge and understanding of universal truth.

Our multidimensional mind is being reprogrammed with 5D crystalline-based holograms of reality...it is transfiguring the genetic blueprint to run on Light. This will appear in our lives as new life stories, like a new movie set. The crystal Light infusion opens portals in the mind to new dimensional realms in the quantum field of unmanifested opportunities.

The annual Equinox event marks the zero point balance and harmony when the days and nights are equal in length. A field of zero gravity is formed when all energy is in perfect balance - a field of zero point balance in both hemispheres. All around the planet we can tune into that perfect stillness that exists in the fulcrum of opposite energies. The zero point exists in the center of our Vortex and in the center of our Great Central Sun. The galactic portals are more accessible during the Zero Point Equinox, enhancing our ability to integrate the infusion of galactic light codes.

The Zero Point Equinox acts as an intergalactic doorway to regions far beyond our galaxy...and accentuates the powerful vortex portals that exist at all the sacred sites on the global grid. We will be tapping into the Equinox Stargate on Sunday, Sept 21st in a day of sacred music celebration, and on Monday, Sept 22nd in our Global Intention Meditation broadcast from Mt Shasta Quantum Healing Center. More details below...we will be using these final days of September to get securely grounded in 5D at the Heart Center and take some time each day to breathe in balance and inner stillness. Blessed BE!

Lovingly, Meg

Copyright (c) 2014 Meg Benedicte * All Rights Reserved * You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this copyright notice.

Reported by : https://newearthcentral.com

Дата: 25.09.2014 (Прочтено: 1514)
Copyright © QUANTUM HEALING ARTS INTERNATIONAL   Все права защищены.

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